Ataxia Ambassadors - Ataxia UK

Ataxia Ambassadors

Post Published: March 11, 2020

As many of you may know, the Ataxia Ambassador’s Project launched in 2017 when the first ever Ambassador training day was held at the 16-30’s Conference. Afterwards, a select number of group members continued in their training, become fully fledged Ambassadors who represented Ataxia UK at the disability-related exhibition Naidex in April 2018 and 2019.

Since then, the project unfortunately came to a halt due to funds.

Last year, we won a grant from the National Lottery Fund which is being used to launch our InControl Project, a scheme that involves peoples affected by ataxia to be volunteers. There will be more information to follow the launch of the new volunteering roles, including the opportunities, how to apply and what to expect. Please keep an eye open for more details on social media, the Ataxia Magazine and monthly e-newsletter.

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