1 in 17 photography project - Ataxia UK

1 in 17 photography project

Post Published: February 28, 2018

One in 17 people live with a rare disease. The 1 in 17 project focuses on the individuals behind their conditions, and is seeking photographers with rare diseases to take part. 

The project aims to raise awareness of how common rare diseases are through candid, honest photographic essays about each person: how they spend their days, the challenges they face, but also who they are as people – looking beyond their condition.

The project will run throughout this year.Participants’ stories and photos will be published on the website 1in17.uk (site coming soon), where they can be shared by their representative patient groups and charities, as well as the general public. The photos would also be available for use on related organisations’ websites or social media channels in connection with the project. Eventually, an e-book with all the stories will be created, downloadable for all in exchange for a custom donation to Findacure.

They are looking for one person with ataxia to represent on their website, so why not apply?  Planning for the project is under way now, with a view to start from early April. If you’re interested in taking part, or would like more information, please email 1in17project@gmail.com.

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