On 3 July, Ataxia UK took part in a multi-organisational Twitter campaign with AMRC (Association of Medical Research Charities) to share the results of their Impact Report, which analysed the impact made by charity-funded research from 5,287 research awards, and funded by 40 member charities.
The campaign took Twitter by storm, uniting Ataxia UK with 40 other medical research charities that have worked hard to improve the health, treatment and wellbeing of people with medical conditions.
Ataxia UK has directly contributed to this report by writing up a case study to demonstrate the impact of their research on the development of diagnosis and treatment of people with ataxia.
You can read AMRC’s ‘Making a difference: Impact report 2017’ on their website, and also take a look at their brilliant new video, which summarises the report’s contents with statistics that show how much of a difference Ataxia UK, as well as other medical research charities-funded research makes to the healthcare world in five ways:
- generating new knowledge
- translating ideas into new products and services
- influencing government policy
- developing researchers
- Stimulating further funding and partnerships.
We welcome such demonstrations of the importance of Ataxia UK research, and thank AMRC for the opportunity to show it.