Maxim-um Support! - Ataxia UK

Maxim-um Support!

Post Published: July 6, 2016

There are a several thank you messages this time around. First of all, a big thank you to Jacqui Holmes for making all this possible…

Jacqui’s daughter was recently diagnosed with FA and as a result, took the initiative to fundraise on her behalf.

The David Lloyd’s gym (Speke Liverpool) kindly agreed to put on a fundraising event in May to raise funds.

Jacqui’s employers, IMS MAXIMS (who provide IT systems to healthcare organisations), also donated a cheque to the value of £1,000! This was raised during the company conference in Ireland earlier this year. 

IMS MAXIMS set up the IMS Foundation, which is run by employees to support charities and cases close to staff. After Jacqui spoke to her colleagues, they said the foundation would like to help with raising funds and therefore did a short speech about her daughter’s diagnosis and requested people to support the cause by buying raffle tickets. In Jacqui’s own words “I am fairly new to the company and the generosity of the employees blew me away!”

Jacqui also recently met up with the North West Ataxia Support Group (pictured below), where she met “such lovely and positive people, who are so inspiring”.

Adam, in the centre of the picture (with red shoe laces), also recently wrote a blog for our ataxia 16-30 website.

Thank you again to Jacqui, IMS MAXIMS and David Lloyd’s for all of their support. The money raised will go directly to research towards finding treatments and a cure for FA. 

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