Gemma Fish - Ataxia UK


Gemma Fish

Gemma Fish

I’m Gemma Fish, a 32-year-old with Episodic Ataxia Type 2. I have had EA2 since I was 13 months old. I’ve been involved with my local ataxia support group since 2010, but I’ve been involved with Ataxia UK itself since 2013. I was first elected as a trustee when I was 23 and I fundraised for many years. I became a Youth Ambassador as my passion is to help and support children and young people affected by ataxia. I have been involved with the 16-30’s project since it began and now run the project. Through leading support groups, being a trustee, a  youth ambassador and having a seat on our In Control sub-committee, I really hope I’m making a difference in our community.

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