Payroll Giving - Ataxia UK

Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving

An easy, tax-effective way for employees to donate through their salary.

Donating directly through your salary, also known as Give As You Earn or Payroll Giving, is an easy, tax-efficient way of donating with a regular gift to Ataxia UK.

If you pay tax at the basic rate, for every £1 that you earn, 20p is paid to Ataxia UK from tax. If you pledge £10 a month, Ataxia UK receive the full amount, but only £8 will be deducted from your net pay.

If you receive income tax at the higher rate of 40%, only £6 would be deducted from your net pay. It's therefore more efficient for higher rate taxpayers to donate through Payroll Giving than Gift Aid, as charities are unable to claim tax back above the basic rate through the Gift Aid scheme.

Example of pledges and costs

£5 per month £4 £3
£10 per month £8 £6
£15 per month £12 £9

Setting Up Payroll Giving

Most companies operate a payroll giving scheme. If they do, you can start donating from your salary by speaking to you payroll department directly. They will arrange your donation through your salary for you.

If your circumstances change and you no longer wish to donate, simply tell your employer. If you change your job, your donations will not be transferred to your new employer, and you will need to start a new Payroll Giving scheme if you wished to continue.

If your company does not yet operate the Payroll Giving scheme, you can talk to your payroll department to arrange a scheme that allows you to donate directly to Ataxia UK on a regular basis through your salary.

If you’d like to know more about donating through your salary, please contact the Fundraising Team on or call the main office on 020 7582 1444.

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