Recruiting Participants For Research - Ataxia UK

Recruiting Patients For Research

Recruiting Participants For Research

Ataxia UK helps researchers to find participants for their projects and trials. If you need help finding participants, then get in touch. 

We are very happy to publicise externally-funded research projects through our social media channels, our quarterly Ataxia Magazine, monthly e-newsletter, our 'Taking part in research' pages, and by connecting people to researchers through use of our registry of people with ataxia. 

If you would like assistance in finding participants for your research, please fill out our research recruitment application form and send to   

All studies will need to have relevant Ethics Committee approvals in place and comply with best practice. Please note that surveys containing anything personal, medical, or distressing will also be reviewed by Ataxia UK’s Internal Ethics Committee before being publicised (except if an NHS Health Research Authority Research Ethics Committee has already given a favourable opinion for the study). 



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