16-30’s Summer Spin-off Tickets on Sale - Ataxia UK

16-30’s Summer Spin-off Tickets on Sale

Post Published: February 24, 2017

For the first time, the 16-30’s group are having their own event. Funded and hosted by The Mark Dower Trust, we hope that this event shows young people with ataxia what support is available for them, and to help us decide the future direction of the project. 

Sue Millman, CEO of Ataxia UK will also be hosting a separate weekend for parents of people with ataxia. 

We’ve booked 1 and 2 July at the East Midlands Airport Radisson Blu Hotel. 50 tickets for group members, parents and carers are on sale now from the 16-30’s website. A limited number of bursaries will be available for those who have far to travel. 

Keep a look out on our social media channels and the 16-30’s website for updates about the weekend’s list of events! 

Mark Dower

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.Mark Dower was a man who lived as independently as he could whilst having Friedreich’s ataxia. In his memory, sister Alison Halls has created the Mark Dower Trust, which gives grants to support young adults with ataxia who’re aiming to increase their independence (e.g. studying at university). You can hear more about the Trust at the weekend from Alison herself, and visit the Mark Dower Trust website.

The deadline for this year’s Mark Dower Trust grant application will be after this event, on 31st July. Please visit the Ataxia UK page about the grant to find out more.

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