Ataxia UK “I’m not drunk” ID card - Ataxia UK

Ataxia UK “I’m not drunk” ID card

Post Published: January 29, 2020

Last summer, the very generous donations we received from Friends of Ataxia UK helped play a vital role to raise funds for a brand new ID card printer to produce new Ataxia UK “I’m not drunk” ID cards for people living with ataxia and a separate ataxia awareness ID card for relatives, friends and carers.

The campaign was a huge success and we wouldn’t have been able to reach our target goal of £1,500 without the generosity of fellow Friends of Ataxia UK.

Thanks to their support, we are now pleased to announce that ALL Friends of Ataxia UK can now request a FREE Ataxia UK ID card by clicking the relevant card image below. 

If you have an ataxia condition, please click the blue Living with ataxia ID card. 

If you are a relative, friend or carer without an ataxia condition, please click the purple Family, friends and carers without ataxia card. 

You’ll then be asked to complete your full name and postal address on the relevant ID card form and submit your request. 

After submitting your request form. If you would like a photograph of yourself to be scanned onto the front of the ID card please email your digital photograph to: with your full name in the subject line box.  For example: “Ataxia UK ID card – Jane Smith photo”


The quality of your digital photo must be:

  • Clear and in focus
  • In colour
  • At least 600 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall
  • At least 50KB and no more than 10MB

 What your digital photo must show:

  • Contain no other objects or people
  • Be taken against a plain light-coloured background

PLEASE REMEMBER to provide your full name in the subject line when you email your photograph to: 

Due to the large number of Friends of Ataxia UK who will be requesting their new ID card, please allow for 10 -14 days before you receive your Ataxia UK ID card. 

Order your FREE Ataxia UK ID card

People living with ataxia:

 Family, friends and carers without ataxia: 



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