Ataxia UK’s Scottish Conference postponed - Ataxia UK

Ataxia UK’s Scottish Conference postponed

Post Published: March 10, 2020

It is with much regret that in the light of the current situation regarding the coronavirus, we have reached the decision that we need to postpone the Scottish Conference.

Even if such gatherings are permitted by early June, we have taken the view that people with ataxia will become increasingly cautious about attending them; and we are concerned that we may increase the risk of people catching the virus through coming to the conference.

We are investigating holding it on 31 October or, if this doesn’t prove possible, in the Spring of 2021.

At the moment we are expecting that the Ataxia UK Annual Conference 2020 at the Radisson, East Midlands Airport, 2 – 4 October will be unaffected, but we will review this when bookings are due to open at the beginning of May.

Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

You can find our guidance for people affected by ataxia here.

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