Mark Dower Trust: deadline 31 January - Ataxia UK

Mark Dower Trust: deadline 31 January

Post Published: December 3, 2018

Applications are closing soon for The Mark Dower Trust: a financial grant supporting 16-30’s who are seeking independence, through further studies, employment, specialist equipment or hobbies/ skills.

Read below how to apply, but don’t miss the deadline! Closing 31 January 2019.

The Mark Dower Trust offers a small annual grant of up to £3,000 a year. The aim is to support young people by enabling them to pursue skills, hobbies or further educational opportunities and hence allow them to maximise their independence.

Applications can be sent in anytime from November 30 each year until January 31 of the following year. Successful applicants will hear back by the end of February.

Note: Applicant must be between the ages of 16-30 and be living in the UK.

Please fill out the Application Form which also includes guidelines and send it electronically to or in the post to our address at the bottom of the page. 

Take a look at the dedicated Mark Dower Trust Website for further details about Mark Dower, the man who inspired this grant.

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