Save the Date! Annual Conference 2017 - Ataxia UK

Save the Date! Annual Conference 2017

Post Published: March 21, 2017

Save the date for Ataxia UK’s highlight event: the Annual Conference

We are delighted to announce that the Ataxia UK Annual Conference will be held on the weekend of 20 October at the popular Radisson Blu Hotel Stansted Airport.   

We will be releasing more information as the date draws ever closer, including a full programme of events; however, you can expect to see the return of some of our old favourites: the ‘All About Ataxia’ seminar for the recently diagnosed on Friday afternoon; Doctor’s Q&A and ‘It Works for Me’ presentations on Saturday; research updates; a range of break-out sessions, including massage therapists, benefit advisors and an introduction to Pilates, among others. 

There will also be a three-course evening meal to enjoy, and opportunities to socialise with friends old and new.

Tickets and How to Book

Tickets will go on sale on Monday 10 July, and early bird prices will be available for those who book before 29 September. Bookings will close 12 OctoberDue to the ever increasing popularity of the conference, we strongly recommend making your booking as soon as possible after they open to avoid any disappointment. 

You will be able to make your bookings through the Ataxia UK website, which will allow one user to book up to four tickets, apply for a bursary and request adapted accommodation. However, for those who are not computer literate, you can call the office or request a form by post. 

Keep an eye on the website, and look out for more information on the conference in the Summer edition of the Ataxia Magazine! 

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