Survey – Your Feedback on our Support - Ataxia UK

Survey – Your Feedback on our Support

Post Published: July 14, 2016

We are seeking the views and experiences of people affected by ataxia in our first major survey for 12 years. The survey has been sent to all the recipients of the Ataxia Magazine.

It is important that we regularly review people’s situation and what we provide, to ensure we continue to meet the needs of people living with, and affected by, ataxia; and that we are confident that we reflect the views of those affected by the condition.

Sue Millman, CEO said: “I would urge all those who are affected by ataxia, people with the condition, their families, friends and carers, to complete the survey to help shape the direction of Ataxia UK.  Doing so is a simple way of making a very valuable contribution to our work, for which we will be very grateful.”

The survey findings will help us to understand the impact of ataxia on all affected, and enable us to identify potential areas of research, and any areas where we can improve our services in the future. The results will be the subject of a breakout workshop at the annual conference, publicised in the magazine, and will form the basis of our Trustees considerations for our new Strategic Plan.

You should have received a copy of the survey, or a link to it, with the July Ataxia Magazine, it will help to keep costs down if you are able to complete the online version here. If you need further paper copies for other people in your household, either make a photocopy or request them from the office.


The deadline for responses has been extended and is now is Sunday, 7 August.

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