The Big Give – you did it! - Ataxia UK

The Big Give – you did it!

Post Published: December 16, 2019

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and Friends, we have raised an incredible £78,472 in the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2019!

The funds raised will go towards improving access to diagnosis and treatment for all.

One way we aim to do this is by piloting a ‘virtual ataxia service’ at a yet to be decided NHS location.

If successful, our aim is to ensure that the virtual ataxia service offers ataxia patients the chance to have an online consultation at a local NHS hospital or clinic with a specialist neurologist without the need to travel to either London or Sheffield.

We would not have reached and continued to smash our target without the help of our Friends who shared their challenging stories of accessing local specialist care. Thank you to Georgia, Gemma, Taryn, Ann, Jade and Ceri.

More information about the virtual ataxia centre to come soon.

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