Ataxia UK is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), who are representing the medical research charity sector in Brexit talks. They have written below their key priorities for withdrawing from the European Union:
The Brexit Health Alliance – a coalition spanning the NHS, medical research, industry, patients and public health organisations – has this week outlined a series of key “asks” for the Government as the UK negotiates to exit the EU. Central to these asks is that there is no impact on patients. As a member of the Alliance, AMRC fed in the views of the medical research charity sector.
Five broad areas are prioritised for attention: research and innovation collaboration; regulatory alignment; preservation of reciprocal healthcare arrangements; coordination on public health and wellbeing; and funding for the health and public health sectors. You can read the full details by clicking on the link given above.
For further information about the Brexit Health Alliance, contact the Policy and Public Affairs team at