Wellbeing survey report - Ataxia UK

Wellbeing survey report

Post Published: October 13, 2020

In June, the InControl Project launched a survey to understand ‘wellbeing’ among people affected by ataxia, review people’s experiences of Covid-19 and find out what services you would like us to develop in the years ahead. We received over 200 responses – thank you to everyone who submitted their feedback.

Having analysed the results, the main themes of services you would like us to focus on include:

  • Wheelchair/home adaptations guidance – what are the best options for people living with ataxia
  • Mentoring/peer support
  • Day to day coping techniques/tailored exercise routines
  • Employment advice – how to apply/find suitable employment opportunities
  • Counselling service; specifically, around issues such as bereavement
  • Volunteering opportunities that are flexible to people affected by ataxia. 

Read the full report here.

If you would like to hear more about the InControl team, contact volunteering@ataxia.org.uk.

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