Your voice: your message - Ataxia UK

Your voice: your message

Post Published: February 22, 2019

We’re taking a look at our messaging and communications, trying to ensure your voice is at the forefront of communications around ataxia.

Are we getting it right? Getting it wrong?

Have your say and help shape our communications about ataxia to the wider world by answering these two short questions.

The survey is completely anonymous. 

Alternatively, email Steph Marley at to share your answers. 

Where can I read stories about people with ataxia?

Over the past year, you’ve been sharing your stories with us for campaigns, to support others, or for the simple pleasure of seeing your story in print, out there in the world. 

You can find your own or read those of others on ‘Your Blog’. 

Inspired to share your story? Send it to us at and we’ll get it published. 

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