Covid-19 vaccine: Autumn 2022 Booster - Ataxia UK

Covid-19 vaccine: Autumn 2022 Booster

Post Published: November 3, 2022

Everyone aged 5 (on or before 31 August 2022) and over can get a 1st and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

There are also two booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine you may be able to get:

  • a 1st booster for everyone aged 16 and over, and some people aged 12 to 15 who are at high risk from COVID-19, once they have completed their primary COVID-19 vaccination course (this includes 12-15 year olds with chronic neurological conditions such as ataxia)
  • a seasonal booster (autumn booster) for some people, including those aged 50 years or over, those at high risk from COVID-19 or who are pregnant, and frontline health and social care workers

If you haven’t had a 1st booster dose yet, you’re still eligible and can book anytime. If you’re eligible for both, you only need one booster during the autumn.

Seasonal booster

You can have a seasonal booster dose (autumn booster) of the COVID-19 vaccine if you are:

  • aged 50 or over
  • pregnant
  • aged 5 and over and at high risk from COVID-19 due to a health condition or a weakened immune system (this includes chronic neurological conditions such as ataxia) 
  • aged 5 and over and live with someone who has a weakened immune system
  • aged 16 and over and a carer, either paid or unpaid
  • living or working in a care home for older people
  • a frontline health and social care worker

If your NHS record shows you’re at high risk from COVID-19, you should be invited for a seasonal booster (autumn booster). You can have your seasonal booster if it’s been at least 3 months since you had your previous dose.

If you think you are eligible for an autumn booster but did not get an invite, please contact your GP surgery.

A flu vaccination is also recommended for those that are eligible. Eligibility has been extended this year to include anyone over 50, and secondary school children in years 7, 8 and 9. For further information see the government website.

For more information on Covid-19 boosters see the NHS website.

For detailed information about Covid-19 vaccinations in all countries of the UK see:




Northern Ireland

Please understand that this advice is given on the basis of the limited information provided, and that neither Ataxia UK nor the Medical Advisor can accept responsibility for any actions arising from it.

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