Employee Fundraising - Ataxia UK

Employee Fundraising

Employee Fundraising

There are many ways in which employees can join together to support people affected by ataxia, get us ever closer to finding that cure.

Enter staff into fundraising events, such as the Prudential cycle Ride London 100, Royal Parks Half Marathon or the Cardiff 10k and fundraise as a team! This is a great way to build camaraderie and have fun whilst raising awareness and funds.

Fundraising teams will be provided with Ataxia UK t-shirts or running vests so they can really make an impact in ataxia awareness on the day, too.

Organise a cake bake or dress down day in the office, or you could even hold your own sports day! Ataxia UK have a Cake Bake pack to support your event, which is full of inspiration and handy hints.

Alternatively, if your company already hosts it’s own event, you could brand it as your Partnership Event of the Year, sending a percentage of sports places or ticket sales to Ataxia UK, for example.

Or, if you're really inspired, why not try a Man vs Food challenge, like Origin Broadband?

If you’d like to know more about donating through employee fundraising, please contact the Fundraising Team on fundraising@ataxia.org.uk or call the main office on 020 7582 1444.

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