Porthmadog Golf Club - Ataxia UK

Porthmadog Golf Club

Vice Chair Captain Sandra Creamer and the ladies of Porthmadog Golf Club have chosen to fundraise for Ataxia UK through 2023.

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"My husband Andrew has Cerebella ataxia which was diagnosed over 30 years ago... I would like to raise money in my year as Lady Captain at my Golf Club." - Sandra Creamer

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Sandra Creamer 4
Sandra Creamer 12

Hole of Fortune Charity Game 28.06.2023

They Porthmadog ladies held a Golf and Bingo day at the club in June, raising a fantastic £887!

"There were 44 ladies who played in our Hole of Fortune Charity game. The rain held off for the first half of the game but then the ladies got pretty wet. All came in smiling though.

The bingo also went very well will some ladies playing for the first time. We had a fantastic bingo caller who got everyone interested in the game.

It was a great day all round raising money and awareness for Ataxia." - Sandra Creamer

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