Ataxia UK hosts an educational webinar on the UK medicines approval process - Ataxia UK

Ataxia UK hosts an educational webinar on the UK medicines approval process

Post Published: July 12, 2024

On 12th July Ataxia UK hosted a webinar on how medicines get approved for use in the UK and how decisions are made on their funding in the NHS. The webinar was well received.

The webinar explains how patient groups such as Ataxia UK and people affected with ataxia can get involved and have an impact in the decision-making process.  

The webinar is aimed at people with ataxia and their carers or families. This webinar is sponsored by Biogen. Biogen has not had any involvement in its content, production or delivery.




Watch the webinar recording below.

You can read FAQs from the webinar here.

We will be sharing a feature article on the webinar as part of the next issue of the Ataxia UK magazine. To sign up to receive the Ataxia UK magazine, click here.

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