Meet the Graves, founders of Micro Acres Wales - Ataxia UK

Meet the Graves, founders of Micro Acres Wales

Post Published: June 13, 2022

Donna and Chris are a couple from Wales who run a family business called Micro Acres Wales. A recent diagnosis of ataxia prompted Chris to change his lifestyle in order to improve his health. They ended up creating their own ‘urban and vertical farm’, which provided natural goods for the entire neighbourhood!

Chris and Donna began growing vegetables during lockdown, leading to the discovery of ‘microgreens’ and their amazing taste and nutritional value too. What started as a hobby turned into something that improved their lives.

On their business page, the Graves’ stated: “So our urban and vertical farm has given us the ability to have a family business that is improving our wellbeing, physiology and opportunities whilst providing fresh, local, nutritious, and tasty produce to the local area too. It’s a ‘win, win’ situation!”

Recently, Chris and Donna were featured on BBC Wales Live, where he spoke about his ataxia and how they came up with Micro Acres Wales!

During this episode, Donna said: “We had a diagnosis for a neurological condition called ataxia. We have been together for 25 years this year and the thought that the quality of life may change dramatically and is out of our hands is actually quite difficult.”

The episode can be accessed here BBC iPlayer – BBC Wales Live – 25/05/2022

Here is an article that was covered by BBC, Wales Politics Covid: Lockdown hobby becomes life-changing business – BBC News

Don’t forget to check out their website

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