Observe a Research Ethics Committee meeting - Ataxia UK

Observe a Research Ethics Committee meeting 

Post Published: May 31, 2024

The NHS Health Research Authority (HRA), are an independent arm’s length body of the Department of Health and Social Care. Their core purpose is to protect and promote the interests of patients and the public in health and social care research.

They are currently reaching out to charities and patient representative organisations like Ataxia UK to let us know about opportunities they have for patients, those interested or involved in research and the public to observe our Research Ethics Committees.

Please find a copy of the invite with more information about how to get involved, below.

Observing an NHS Health Research Authority Research Ethics Committee

Who we are

The Health Research Authority is responsible for reviewing and approving proposals for research carried out in the NHS.

Our role is to protect the rights, safety, dignity and wellbeing of people to take part in research. One of the main ways we do this is through our Research Ethics Committees (RECs).

What Research Ethics Committee’s do

Research Ethics Committees (REC) review proposed research projects that will take place in the NHS or social care. We have 64 RECs spread out across the UK who review research applications. These meetings take place every month online.

Our RECs review research proposals and give an opinion about whether the research is ethical. They also look at areas such as the participant involvement in the research.

The committees are entirely independent of research sponsors (the organisations responsible for the management and conduct of the research), funders and the researchers themselves. This enables them to put people (participants) at the centre of their ethics review.

Welcoming people to come and observe a REC meeting
Anyone is welcome to observe a REC meeting. Observers might include:

  • members of the public
  • people who would like to apply to volunteer as a REC member
  • representatives from patient, carer and voluntary sector organisations

If you have a particular interest in a research area, we will try to match you to a REC reviewing relevant studies. You can read more about the types of research studies relating to Ataxia our RECs have reviewed in the past on our research summaries page.

The REC directory page is a place where you can look at the range of different research projects that RECs review every day.

If you would like to register your interest in observing a REC meeting, please contact member.support@hra.nhs.uk Do let us know if you would like an additional support in advance of attending the committee meeting.

You can observe a Research Ethics Committee online, via your phone, tablet, or laptop. There is no preparation needed to observe and we can arrange a follow up call to discuss your experience.

We look forward to welcoming you to observe a REC meeting in the future.

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