AMRC releases annual research expenditure statistics - Ataxia UK

AMRC releases annual research expenditure statistics

Post Published: January 29, 2019

The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), of which Ataxia UK is a member, has published their annual research expenditure infographic and briefing. New figures show that the medical research charity sector has maintained a collective spend of £1.6bn on research in the UK in 2017 despite a tough Brexit environment. This is nearly half of all publicly funded medical research nationally (47%).

200,000 people in the UK were recruited into over 1,300 AMRC charity-funded clinical studies or trials in 2017 so the AMRC is making a difference for patients too. It is funding essential research in all areas of health and disease and 8% of its funding goes towards neurological conditions such as ataxia.

You can find out more about charity impact in this infographic.

Posted on 15/06/2018

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