Global Ataxia Initiatives SCA Global and ARCA Global aim to advance ataxia research worldwide - Ataxia UK

Global Ataxia Initiatives SCA Global and ARCA Global aim to advance ataxia research worldwide

Post Published: June 11, 2019

SCA global is a worldwide collaboration focusing on spinocerebellar ataxias, a group of over 40 dominantly inherited ataxias.

ARCA global is a similar initiative but for the recessively inherited ataxias.

The main objective of SCA Global and ARCA Global is for ataxia clinicians worldwide to work together in order to speed up finding treatments. Because these conditions are so rare, there is an urgent need for a global effort: patients, researchers and clinicians need to work together on a global level to advance knowledge in the field.

Both initiatives have been launched and progress is being made. SCA global had a first very successful conference in March 2019.

More information on both of theses Global Ataxia Initiatives can be found in the summer 2019 issue of Ataxia Magazine.


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