GoFAR reinforces partnership with Powell Gene Therapy Center at University of Florida (UF) to develop a gene therapy for Friedreich’s ataxia - Ataxia UK

GoFAR reinforces partnership with Powell Gene Therapy Center at University of Florida (UF) to develop a gene therapy for Friedreich’s ataxia

Post Published: January 31, 2019

University of Florida (UF) researchers have received a $450,000 grant from the Italian patient advocacy group GoFAR to continue developing a gene therapy for Friedreich’s ataxia (FA).

GoFAR originally began a collaboration with the UF Powell Gene Therapy Center in 2016 by awarding a grant of $750,000. The total award of $1.2Ml has been staged to reach milestones toward the clinical implantation of the therapeutic strategy for FA.

The most recent award will be used to complete preclinical studies and prepare data for submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the Italian regulatory authority, Instituto Superiore della Sanità (ISS). It is hoped that trials will begin later this year.

You can find and read the full press release from UF here.

Posted on 23/05/2018

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