New partnership between Ataxia UK and the Spanish organisations R+SCAs and ACAH - Ataxia UK

New partnership between Ataxia UK and the Spanish organisations R+SCAs and ACAH

Post Published: December 20, 2017

Ataxia UK is working for the first time with the Spanish ataxia patient group R+SCAs (PLATAFORMA DE APOYO A LA INVESTIGACIÓN DE LAS ATAXIAS ESPINOCEREBELOSAS) in funding a research project on a range of ataxias. An existing partner ACAH (L’Associació Catalana d’Atàxies Hereditàries) is also co-funding this project.

The project is led by a team at University College London (UCL) Institute of Neurology and it is a genetic study looking at the DNA repair mechanism in the modulation of age onset in a range of ataxias. 

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