PROSPAX and TREAT-ARCA project updates - Ataxia UK

PROSPAX and TREAT-ARCA project updates

Post Published: September 29, 2022

PROSPAX (PROgression chart of SPAstic ataXias) and TREAT-ARCA are two global projects, aimed at advancing research into specific ataxias (ARSACS and SPG7 for PROSPAX, and ARSACS and COQ8A-ataxia for TREAT-ARCA).

The PROSPAX team would like to thank everyone who completed their two surveys on the symptoms experienced by people with ataxia and/or hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). There were an amazing number of responses for both surveys, with 1125 responses for Survey 1 and 817 responses for Survey 2! The team have produced a poster about the surveys.

In July, researchers from the PROSPAX and TREAT-ARCA projects held a joint annual meeting. You can read about the meeting here. Ataxia UK Research staff are actively involved in the PROSPAX and TREAT-ARCA projects as members of Euro-ataxia, and are leading the patient engagement activities.

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