Results presented from patient communications survey - Ataxia UK

Results presented from patient communications survey

Post Published: January 29, 2019

ISMPP conference flyer

At this year’s Ataxia UK annual conference we welcomed our partners Costello Medical who asked us if they could survey people with ataxia and their carers about how they access scientific and medical literature on ataxia. Thank you for all those who got involved in completing the survey.

We have data on what people felt about the Ataxia UK magazine and e-newsletter that will help us in producing future issues. We were very pleased to see that a high proportion of readers felt this e-newsletter was informative and provided important up-to-date information about research.

The results were presented at the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) conference (see flyer below) in London this month. Costello Medical representative Danielle Sheard said: ‘The poster went down well at the conference. During the meeting there were a number of discussions about what more the pharma industry could be doing to help make scientific literature more accessible to patients, and there being no “one-size-fits-all” approach, so I think the whole industry is moving in a very positive direction on this issue.’

Posted on 25/01/2019

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