Science and research funds from EU programmes guaranteed even in no-deal Brexit scenario - Ataxia UK

Science and research funds from EU programmes guaranteed even in no-deal Brexit scenario

Post Published: January 29, 2019

UK researchers have been assured by the British government that any funding they gain through EU programmes, up until the end of 2020, will be guaranteed by the UK government should Brexit negotiations end with no deal being agreed. 

This guarantee includes projects covered by Horizon 2020. Any successful bids made by 31st December 2020 will be entitled to their allocated funding in full and will continue to receive funding for their entire duration. British researchers therefore have certainty over future funding and should feel encouraged to continue bidding for competitive EU funds while the UK remains a member.

This decision builds upon previous commitments made by the UK Government in August and October 2016. Read the HM Treasury press release in full here.

Posted 24/08/2018

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