The PROSPAX Consortium publishes an infographic on their natural history study of individuals with ARSACS and SPG-7 in Europe - Ataxia UK

The PROSPAX Consortium publishes an infographic on their natural history study of individuals with ARSACS and SPG-7 in Europe

Post Published: February 26, 2024

The PROSPAX (PROgression chart of SPAstic ataXias) project is a collaborative effort between neurologists across several sites throughout Europe and Canada. The aim is to better understand how spastic ataxias progress over time to prepare well-designed treatment trials for these conditions.  This is called ‘trial-readiness’.  

The study which focuses on Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) and Spastic Paraplegia Type-7 (SPG7) aims to monitor people with these conditions over 2 years, measuring the progression of their condition compared to healthy individuals. It is funded by the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD). Ataxia UK and Euro-ataxia are partners in this research. 

Click here to read the infographic.  

Read more about the PROSPAX project here.

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