Rare Disease Day 2021 - Ataxia UK

Rare Disease Day 2021

Post Published: February 9, 2021

Add the 28 February 2021 to your diaries and join us on social media as we raise awareness of ataxia.

Image says "It's always comforting to know that someone else understands."Rare is Many, Rare is Strong, Rare is Proud.

A fantastic way to raise awareness is to share your story. Tell us how your ataxia makes you strong and proud in the form of:

  • A blog post
  • A 20 second video filmed on your front camera or get someone else to film you
  • A sentence.
    Please email your files to communications@ataxia.org.uk. 

We are also creating a collage to show how ataxia is many. To be part of the collage, please send a selfie and strike a pose, if you like, to communications@ataxia.org.uk.

We also want to hear from family members, friends and carers about how proud you are of someone close to you affected by ataxia, and what makes them strong. Again, you can tell us about this in form of:

  • A blog post
  • A 20 second video filmed on your front camera or get someone else to film you
  • A sentence.
    Please email your files to communications@ataxia.org.uk.

Let us know if you have any questions or other ideas for the campaign. Together, we will raise awareness of ataxia.

Image of Rare Disease Day logo

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