You will receive your very own supporter pack including a t-shirt as a little thank you! Just contact us to register your idea so that we can send you your pack. Just email us on
Need some ideas?!
Here are a few to get you started …
- Do your own walk or cycle in ghoulish attire
- Guess how many sweets in the scary jar (fill a jar with sweets and ask people to pay £1 or £2 to guess how many there are … the winner gets the sweets!)
- Have a fancy dress Zoom meeting where everyone makes a donation and dresses up! The best outfit could even win a prize.
- Pumpkin Carving Competition – gather your friends and all make a donation to take part and then create your best Pumpkin! Share photos on social media or all get together on Zoom and show of your pumpkins together!
- Virtual Witchy Woo Quiz Night – dress up and get onto Zoom with your friends, asking them to donate to take part.
- Magic Show – Take your skills online and ask your friends to pay to see your magic show online!
- Schools fancy dress – could your little ones dress up and pay £2 to go to school in their Wizardy and Witchy costumes?!
Have fun and we’ll look forward to hearing all about what you are up to! Please just ensure that you adhere to current Government Guidelines.