Be a Superhero on Team Ataxia UK!
On 17 August 2024 run, walk, wheel, cycle, swim, skate and more towards your mission and raise money for Ataxia UK!
You can take part at home or join with many other superheroes at Dorney Lake this summer!
You can fly solo or unite with friends and family to complete your mission. All we ask is that each solo participant or at least one team member considers themselves to have any type of disability.
The Superhero Tri 17th August 2024
A super sized family day out with entertainment &
activities for all. Broadcast on Channel 4
A trailblazing day of disability sport, packed
with fun partner activations, adventure sports
tasters & unforgettable finish line moments
The world class Dorney Lake, Windsor
17 Aug ‘24
3,500 Superheroes & Sidekick participants
3 epic distances & complete however you want.
Superheroes can fly solo, unite for team relays,
be propelled around the entire course and more!

Be an at Home Superhero!
If you'd prefer to show the world your power from home, you can join the At Home Superheros.
Super flexible, virtual, month/ 2 week long
Challenges can be completed on one day, over a
few days or using the whole time from 8th July to 6th August
Anywhere! living room, garden, local park…
However you wish, from super sensory to dancing
& from swimming to
How far?
Superheroes can set their own goal, from 100m
to 1,000km or more, or use their Super Senses
Those who can’t/don’t want to attend physical
events can still join the fun or they can do both!
Super race pack
Every Superhero taking part receives a t-shirt, medal & finish line tape

So join #TeamAtaxiaUK now!
When you take part you will receive a goodie bag including a medal, and will also receive an Ataxia UK Supporter pack including a t-shirt to wear on the day.
You can purchase your ticket here Superhero Series - RaceNation (race-nation.co.uk)
Ataxia UK will cover the cost of solo superheroes and offer special deals for teams!
Questions? Just email our Fundraising team at: fundraising@ataxia.org.uk
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