Volunteers’ Week: Mari Akhurst - Ataxia UK

Volunteers’ Week: Mari Akhurst

Post Published: June 1, 2021

Mari is a Media Ambassador and helps to respond to messages and comments across our social media channels. Here’s her experience so far.

What volunteering role do you do at Ataxia UK?
Media Ambassador.

How long have you been volunteering with Ataxia UK?
Over 6 months.

What made you become a volunteer?
I wanted to give something back. Ataxia UK helped me to get my diagnosis and also helped me to meet and chat with people who have Ataxia. It’s great to be able to talk to people who are in the same situation as myself.

Have you been a volunteer before your role with Ataxia UK?

How was the starting process of becoming a volunteer?
It was good, we have regular catch ups for the volunteers on zoom.

How have you found your volunteering experience with Ataxia UK so far?
It’s been good, I check the social media pages 3 days a week and enjoy responding to any comments or messages that need replying too.

What have you gained from volunteering?
My social media skills have improved as I am now more informed about Twitter and its uses.

Would you recommend others to become a volunteer with Ataxia UK?

Photo of Mari

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